Summer was abound and I, recently graduated Production Technologist, had all the time in the world. With covid blocking any opportunity I had for finding work I needed to have something else to do. I decided on making a zine, a community generated one. I dragged the nosrpg discord server into the project and we got started on . . .
This project had a timeframe from 1st to 30th of June and we finished it within the set time (sorta). The manuscript was finished and layout done by the 30th 16:30. But I let me be honest, I made a horrible layout and I decided to give it another go.
And man I am happy I did. Because today it my first product on drivethru and available for the masses. I guess you would like a little description of the product instead of the process? Outta luck, I am all about processes. You can just go onto drivethru and read the blurb, download the zine and read it yourself. ;)
Find the City of Perpetrators on Drivethru by clicking on this line.
Fair warning: It is minimally edited, but on the other hand it is free. Given the time restriction I am fairly proud.